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Wokplace Security
Unit: Security Procedures

Workplace Security

The workplace should be a safe and secure environment. It is place where both staff and clients have to bring personal possessions such as handbags, purses, coats, jackets and sometimes extra shopping items.

Staff should expect all their personal possessions to be kept safe, with your employer providing lockable storage for them during the working day.

Customers will also expect their possessions to be safe while they are undergoing services. Environments such as salons, spas and sports facilities have a particular responsibility in the care of client’s possessions as, during treatments or activities, these possessions are not in the personal possession or view of their owners.

Workplace Security

All businesses will have insurance policies in place which stipulate security measures to be carried to ensure that the policy is valid. These will include the need for appropriate locks, the following of security procedures and other reasonable actions. You should never leave the customers, the business or yourself unprotected. Never leave money or valuables unprotected, always follow the business security procedures and always ask for advice from your line manager if you are unsure of anything or anyone.

Any business that gets a reputation for theft will soon have no customers! Remember, security is everybody’s responsibility. As a member of staff you should always be aware of your surroundings. Many businesses are places where the public have access because you want to be available to your customers. However, you must always remember that unfortunately not everyone has honest intentions. You should be aware of where customers are at all times, this is particularly true if certain areas of the business are off limits to the public or only for certain clients for example those undergoing treatments in certain areas.