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Greeting Clients, Customers and Visitors
Unit: Support Services and Operations

Greeting Clients, Customers and Visitors

The way you address and consult clients, customers or visitors is crucial in forming a good impression of an establishment. It helps to promote repeat business and makes people feel confident with the service that you are providing.

The reception area is normally the area where people are greeted, but if it is unattended, stop what you are doing (politely if you are dealing with someone else) and find out what they require.

Some people’s first contact with the workplace may be through the phone, so be polite, friendly and clear when you speak. People can pick up an impression of a workplace from this kind of interaction.


The Dos and Don'ts of how to Greet Clients, Customers and Visitors



…greet and refer to the people by their name.

…refer to the people as “the 2.30 is here”.

…greet people with a friendly polite way.

…greet people with a bored or rude manner.

…wear clean, smart clothes with tidy hair.

…dress appropriately for the workplace image.

….make yourself look presentable.

…look untidy with messy hair.
…wear un-ironed or torn clothing.
…wear scuffed shoes.
…forget to wear make-up.

…act professionally.

…chew gum.

…eat or drink.

…show people politely to the reception area.

…let people find the reception area by themselves.

…ensure they are comfortable by giving them attention and smiling at them from time to time, whilst getting on with your tasks.

…be attentive to people or make eye contact with them.

…apologise for any delay.

…keep someone waiting without any explanation for a delay.

…sit up and be alert.

…slouch in your seat.

…be positive when explaining a problem to a person.

…speak defensively and aggressively when explaining a problem to a person. If you can’t explain a situation, excuse yourself politely and find your supervisor.

…offer reading material while they wait.

…leave them to find reading materials themselves.

…answer any questions they may have in a polite manner and giving them as much information as possible.

…ignore any questions or answer questions without knowing the correct information.

…smile and speak clearly if dealing with someone on the telephone.

…mumble, sigh or be unfriendly when dealing with a telephone call.

…give a recap of what has been discussed.

…end the conversation abruptly or make it obvious that you do not want to speak with the caller.