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Evacuation Procedures
Unit: Fire and Evacuation Procedures

Sensible Fire Precautions

There are many sensible precautions that you could take to lessen the damage any fire emergency could cause. These are mostly common sense actions which you probably know already, they include:

Do not panic

Panicking never helps and it will only make your clients feel nervous and panicky too. Always try to remain calm in front of your clients.

Know your fire drill and evacuation procedures.

You should always be fully informed of your workplace fire procedures. You should be confident in the knowledge of what you must do and where you must go when an evacuation begins.

Know your fire equipment

You must be familiar with all the fire equipment including fire alarms, extinguishers escape routes and exits

Do not use lifts

Lifts should never be used evacuation purposes. The fire may cause the lift to stop working and this will only cause more problems.

Never ignore danger signs

Never ignore the smell of burning or smoke. Never assume someone else is dealing with it. A false alarm is far less damaging than a delay in dealing with the real thing.

Remember the clients

Make sure the appointment book is accurate, and up to date. It should be taken outside and used as a check or roll call of which clients should be present.

Follow manufacturer’s instructions

This should always be the case, whether it concerns the use and storage of electrical appliances or flammable hair products.