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Types of Joints
Unit: Joints

Types of Joints

A joint is a point of contact between two bones, between bone and cartilage, or between bone and teeth. Joints are classified by their structure or by the way they move. There are three main types of joint: Fibrous, Cartilagenous and synovial.

There are three main types of joint:

Type of Joint


Location in the body

Fibrous Joints

These joints are fixed and do not allow any movement at all.

The bones of the skull are fixed joints.

Cartilaginous joints

These joints allow little or no movement.

The vertebrae of the spine and the tibia and fibula.

Synovial Joints

They are freely movable joints containing a lubricating liquid called synovial fluid

Found all over the body where mobility is important eg Knee, neck, elbow, hip, hands and feet.